The Three Rs of Christmas
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Lauren R. Stanley, preached 12.24.21, Pine Ridge Episcopal Mission/St. Katharine’s, Martin, South Dakota Do you all remember, way back when, when educators talked about school, they always mentioned the “three Rs”? You know, the three basics of what school was supposed to … [Read More...]
Walking by faith
Since becoming Canon to the Ordinary of the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota, I no longer am preaching five times a week on #REMLive, the Facebook Live broadcast for the Rosebud Episcopal Mission. So I shall try to get videos of my sermons as I travel around the Diocese. This sermon was preached … [Read More...]
Heart-breaking racism
Two days after the horrific shootings in Atlanta, in which six of the eight people murdered were women of Asian descent, I came face to face with anti-Asian discrimination right here in South Dakota - and Nebraska. Know this: *I* was not the victim of racial hatred. I am a white woman of French, … [Read More...]
COVID-19 and Following Jesus: Living sacred lives, not scared ones
Image from the Centers for Disease Control website. I have spent almost all of Monday working on COVID-19 — preparing for its arrival in South Dakota (which I am, alas, sure will happen), working with church leaders to figure out what we will do in services, searching in vain for hand sanitizer … [Read More...]
This and That: The meaning of the Eucharist
The Feast of Corpus Christi 20 June 2019 The First Eucharist Celebrated by The Rev. Danny Lee Pegg St. Luke’s Parish, Stone Cross, Sussex, England The Rev. Dr. Lauren R. Stanley Superintending Presbyter, Rosebud Episcopal Mission (West), Rosebud Indian Reservation, South … [Read More...]
Pentecost 2019: Today’s the day!
My sermon preached at Trinity Episcopal Church, Rosebud Episcopal Mission, Rosebud Reservation, on Sunday, 9 June: Today's the day we get the power and the ability to do the work that Jesus has given us to do. pentecost-2019-the-day-we-get-the-power-to-live-the-gospel … [Read More...]
Ascension 2019: It’s time for Jesus to get out of the way
My sermon preached at Trinity Episcopal Church, Rosebud Episcopal Church, Rosebud Reservation, on Sunday, 2 June 2019: This is the day when Jesus gets out of the way - because Jesus trusts us to do the work he has given us to … [Read More...]
6 Easter 2019: A little love here, a little love there, a little love everywhere
My sermon preached at Trinity Episcopal Church, Rosebud Episcopal Mission, Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota, on the Sixth Sunday of Easter, 26 May, on John 14: It's all about the … [Read More...]
5 Easter 2019: We are all clean, holy, and worthy
My sermon preached on the 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C, at Trinity Episcopal Church, Rosebud Episcopal Mission, Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota, on the Acts of the Apostles, 11:1-18. … [Read More...]
4 Easter 2019: God doesn’t ‘follow’ us; God ‘chases’ us!
My sermon preached at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, Parmelee, on Sunday, 12 May, 2019, on Psalm 23: God doesn't timidly follow you in life; God aggressively pursues you! … [Read More...]